Broken, gone, lost, and devoured.
Mocked, unloved, thrown away, and called a coward.
The teeth of darkness sink deeper into human organic structure.
Addictions enticingly invite late night habits to ensure rupture.
Damaged and bewildered suddenly cornered on an empty dock.
Numbing pains hauntingly dance the tango on the chopping block.
Broken, gone, lost, and devoured.
Mocked, unloved, thrown away, and called a coward.
On the Cross of Calvary Christ Jesus died and was resurrected.
By grace through faith now saved, redeemed, adored, & protected.
Light and truth of Jehovah Tsidkenu met at iniquities place.
In the fruits of the Holy Spirit I now walk with Jehovah Shalom to finish the race.
Salvation is for everyone since Jesus Christ died for all.
When Jehovah Shammah knocks on your heart’s door answer the call.